I'm going to share a very simple idea with you that changed my life and if you are not aware of it yet, I'm sure it will also change your life for the better. As you read this, you are proof that the decision I made to start this blog has been vindicated. What does that mean, you may ask yourself? Well, it is actually very simple and clear. Had I not written this article, it would have been impossible for you to be reading THIS article. Simply put, had I merely thought about writing this article, or even went as far as putting it on a to do list, none of that would of led to you reading this article , had I not written it. To put it bluntly, no matter what you want to do in your life, you have to START somewhere and somehow. That is why I titled this post, GO! Do something towards achieving your goals. No matter how small the movement, Do it! Now, I am not talking about pointless, non-sensible activity. The research that is presented in this forum plus the research that I continually remind you to do, should provide some guiding post. But realize this- do not become a victim of over analyzing! At some point, Go! and be surprised at how fast you may be able to reach your goals.